
Black Cat Organic Farm
Contact: Jill & Eric
City: Longmont, CO, 80503
Phone: 303-444-5500
About Us
Black Cat Farm Table Bistro/Black Cat Farm has been in operation for 13 years. We have been farming in Boulder County for 11 years. We are an integrated restaurant and farm business whose mission is to close the loop in our local food system and serve as a demonstration of what is possible when we make sustainability more than just a buzzword. Just as we merge our farm and restaurant operations together we use the same integrative philosophy at the farm by uniting the animal operation with the vegetable operation. This allows us to capture and recycle nutrients for better soil health. Furthermore, it makes for a better, more humane life for the animals as they are able to range through the property. Black Cat Farm is a chef-owned farm whose mission is to produce and sell the widest possible range of vegetables that follow the season week-by-week through the year. As a chef and farmer, I am able to give extensive, in depth, explanations of the various products we sell as well as help the market-goers navigate the market and walk away excited to cook with inspirational ingredients. As our farm also supplies our restaurants, we grow many of the uncommon but wonderful vegetables that add depth to the market offerings like mache, cardoons, artichokes, and endives. Additionally, we raise heritage Mulefoot pigs and plan to sell frozen pork and lamb cuts. We plan to utilize our commercial kitchen to make and sell prepared foods like pork pate, country ham, soups and pestos. Lastly, we plan on honoring the whole animals we raise by selling pelts, wool, leather and crafts.